Spatial and vocal responses to heterospecific vocalizations in a native-invasive frog pair in New Mexico and Implications for conservation of the threatened native species American bullfrog, Chiricahua leopard frog competition, vocalization Texas A&M University Fitzgerald, Nicholson Ongoing Download PDF
Spatial ecology of North American bison on Vermejo Park Ranch, New Mexico bison ecology, habitat, movement Nebraska Lincoln Asmus, Benson Ongoing Download PDF
Evaluation of cougar predation and bear kleptoparasitism on Vermejo Park Ranch, New Mexico black bear, cougar, mountain lion ecology, food habits, predator/prey Oklahoma State Bernal, Cain, Cajero, Kruse, Lonsinger Ongoing Download PDF
Movement and habitat use of reintroduced bolson tortoises in southern New Mexico bolson tortoise, tortoise conservation, ecology, restoration New Mexico State Lawson, McCaffrey, Zimba Ongoing Download PDF
Population dynamics and life history characteristics of Rio Grande cutthroat trout in the upper Rio Costilla watershed, New Mexico cutthroat trout, trout conservation, ecology, management, restoration New Mexico State Klein, Kruse, Miller Ongoing Download PDF